It seems these days that sex, drugs and rock n’ roll aren’t necessarily as top priority as they were. Is the new M.O. leaning toward cross-fit, meditation and a gluten-free diet?
Staying healthy on the road (and off) with so many temptations crossing your path every day can be rough. Opting to scroll on socials while eating that bowl of chips they put in your dressing room that happens to be in front of your face and calling for you to “eat me” can often take over your need to take a stroll or get in a quick workout. Same with office jobs where you’re stuck in front of a screen the better part of the day.
In this panel, we’ll be discussing nutrition, yoga and meditation and how to do a workout anywhere with whatever you have on hand to make sure you’re in top form both on and off the road, mentally and physically.
Mod: Katy Irizarry // Suspiria PR (US)
Suzi Green // The Back Lounge (GB)
Shayan // Trial by Fire / Trivax (IR)
Maria Rizell Hegg (SE)
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